What is womb sound healing?

From the Academy of Sound Healing:

Using Tuning Forks for healing is a very gentle yet powerful modality to treat the mind, body, and soul, and to restore inner balance and health. It works with the nervous system, the tissues, and the more subtle energies of the body, being deeply relaxing, and filled with long-term benefits.

When struck, the tuning fork tines start vibrating a couple of hundred times per second, thus producing waves that transmit powerful vibrations in the air. These back-and-forth vibrations disturb the air molecules surrounding the tuning fork at great speed, smashing more air molecules that, in the end, hit our eardrums and get processed by our brains as gentle humming sounds. 

The faster a tuning fork vibrates, the higher the pitch of the note it makes while facilitating the opening of energetic pathways where the body’s energy, life force, or Qi flows naturally. 

Using various tuning fork frequencies for healing comes with many benefits, including tuning the body’s natural cycle or circadian rhythm while stimulating homeostasis, which helps bring the body back to its natural state of balance.

It also attunes the body’s vibrations on a cellular level and promotes the activation of Qi so life force energy can flow freely without any blockages. It balances the nervous system by aligning the right and left brain, thus improving cognition and clear thinking. 

And another very interesting benefit is the aid in repairing our DNA structure while reducing chronic stress levels, anxiety, inflammation, muscle pains, and digestion disorder symptoms.

The Otto 128 Hz tuning fork helps to reduce pain in joints and muscles plus increase mobility, 

It can be used on, or around, stiff or painful joints and muscles, on the sacrum as well as the Chakras points.

Weighted tuning forks are good for working directly on the body.

Benefits include:-

• Increases joint mobility

• Spikes nitric oxide

• Stimulates endocrine glands

• Releases psoas muscle

• Relaxes organs within pelvis

An excellent fork to use alongside the weighted OM tuning forks, as the combination with the notes being so close creates a dissonance that assists in breaking up and releasing stuck energy.

They are used to help alleviate difficult symptoms caused by: 

  • Chronic stress

  • Chronic pain

  • Tiredness

  • Hypersensitive nervous system

  • Headaches and migraines 

  • Insomnia 

  • Joint pain

  • Cramps

  • Digestive problems

  • … and much more


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